Here's an example that shows the way to use unicode characters for super/subscript in "classic" SAS/GRAPH and using SG procedures. (There are other ways with classic SAS/GRAPH to insert super/sub scripts with MOVE commands in the title, but these methods are much easier.) Refer to Windows Character Map or any other list of UNICODE characters to find out the values for other numbers. Note that many of the values for super/sub unicode characters start in the 20xx range and not the 00xx range.
Thanks, Dan for helping on the SGPLOT example!
ods listing close;
**1) Using Unicode font with hex characters in "classic SAS/GRAPH";
ods html file='testuni_sasgraph92.html' style=analysis;
title h=14pt 'superscript one' f='Arial Unicode MS/unicode' '00B9'x;
title3 h=14pt 'superscript three' f='Arial Unicode MS/unicode' '00B3'x;
footnote "version: &sysvlong4";
proc gplot data=sashelp.class;
plot height*weight;
ods _all_ close;
title; footnote;
**2) Using UNICODE function with SG Procedures;
ods html file='testuni_sgproc92.html' style=analysis;
ods escapechar='^';
title h=14pt "superscript one ^{unicode '00B9'x}";
title3 h=14pt "superscript three ^{unicode '00B3'x}";
footnote "version: &sysvlong4";
proc sgplot data=sashelp.class;
scatter x=height y=weight;
ods _all_ close;
title; footnote;