Im creating a stacked barcahart and Im looking forward to make changes or add the below:
1) the panel label is on top of each panel ,how do I move that to the bottom of each panel?
2) I use colormodel=(white grey black) and colorresponse=groupvariable which gives me the custom colours but my legend disappears if I add this in my code. How do I do custom colors for the stacks?
3) how do I add %symbol to the y axis tick values?
my code at present is :
proc template;
define statgraph bar100;
layout datapanel classvars=(trt01p) /
columns=2 rows=1 columndatarange=union headerlabeldisplay=value
rowaxisopts=(display=(tickvalues) griddisplay=on linearopts=(tickvalueformat=pct.))
layout prototype / cycleattrs=true;
BARCHARTPARM X = avisit y=percent / group=avalc name="lgnd1" ;*colormodel=(white grey black) colorresponse=aval;
innermargin / align=bottom opaque=true separator=True;
axistable x=avisit value=count/ display=(label) classdisplay=stack class=avalc classorder=descending labelposition=max position=0 pad=10 ;
sidebar / align=bottom;
discretelegend "lgnd1" /valign=bottom down=1 sortorder=ASCENDINGFORMATTED title='PGI-S response categories' ;
proc sgrender data=g100 template=bar100 ;
The output i get for this code is :
First of all, you need to use DATALATTICE instead of DATAPANEL to be able to move the headers to the bottom. Use the COLUMNHEADERS option to more it to the BOTTOM.
As for your colors, the COLORMODEL option should be used only for COLORRESPONSE data. Since you are using a GROUP variable, use the DATACOLORS option on the BEGINGRAPH statement to set the colors for the group variable. If you need specific colors associated with specific group values, use a DISCRETEATTRMAP.
Hope this helps!
First of all, you need to use DATALATTICE instead of DATAPANEL to be able to move the headers to the bottom. Use the COLUMNHEADERS option to more it to the BOTTOM.
As for your colors, the COLORMODEL option should be used only for COLORRESPONSE data. Since you are using a GROUP variable, use the DATACOLORS option on the BEGINGRAPH statement to set the colors for the group variable. If you need specific colors associated with specific group values, use a DISCRETEATTRMAP.
Hope this helps!
Thanks , It worked!
I have nowupdated the code to the below. Now the only issue with presenign the % symbol along with y axis tickmarks. I tried creating a format using the proc format and tried giving that in the tickvalueformat . When i give this, this gives the yaxis tick label as 0% 10% etc, but the legend disappears , How to present y axis tick value aas 0% 10% etc and keep the legend ?
proc template;
define statgraph bar100;
begingraph / datacolors=(white lightgrey darkgrey grey black) datacontrastcolors= (black black black black black);
layout datalattice columnvar=trt01p /
columns=2 rows=1 columndatarange=union columnheaders=BOTTOM headerlabeldisplay=value
rowaxisopts=(display=all label='Percentage of Patients' linearopts=(viewmin=0 viewmax=100 tickvaluesequence=(start=0 end=100 increment=10) viewmin=0 viewmax=100 tickvalueformat =pct.))
columnaxisopts=(display=(label tickvalues) );
layout prototype / cycleattrs=true;
BARCHARTPARM X = avisit y=percent / group=avalc name="lgnd1" ;
innermargin / align=bottom opaque=true separator=True;
axistable x=avisit value=count/ display=(label) classdisplay=stack class=avalc classorder=descending labelposition=max position=0 pad=10 ;
sidebar / align=bottom;
discretelegend "lgnd1" /valign=bottom down=1 sortorder=ASCENDINGFORMATTED title='PGI-S response categories' ;
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