I am specifying 8 pt font for my bar graph, but when I open the resulting PDF file I can see that the data value labels are only 7.59 pt and the legend value labels are 7.2pt. I thought it might be a result of using the scale=on option, but when I change it to scale=off, the font sizes are all 9.09 pt.
The x-axis is also too thick, even though I have specified the thickness as 0.75 pt in the proc template. See screenshot and code below.
proc template;
define style Custombar;
parent = Styles.Default;
class graphaxislines/contrastcolor=black linethickness=0.75pt;
class graphbackground/color=white;
class graphwalls/frameborder=off;
class graphborderlines/contrastcolor=white linethickness=0;
class graphlabeltext/fontfamily=Arial fontsize=8.5pt;
class graphvaluetext/fontfamily=Arial fontsize=8.5pt;
class body/backgroundcolor=white;
PROC IMPORT OUT= WORK.age DATAFILE= "E:\SAS figures\Age data.xlsx"
ods _all_ close;
options nonumber nodate orientation=landscape papersize=letter nocenter
leftmargin=.5in rightmargin=.5in topmargin=.5in bottommargin=.5in;
ods pdf file="E:/SAS figures/fig2_pdf.pdf" dpi=300 notoc accessible=on;
ods pdf style=Custombar;
ods graphics/border=off;
ods graphics on/reset=all width=6.5in scale=on ANTIALIASMAX=100000;
proc sgplot data=age noborder nowall;
styleattrs datacolors=('#0060A9' '#00a2e5' '#6dc069' '#ffc222');
vbar Year / response=Percent group=Group grouporder=data groupdisplay=stack clusterwidth=1.0 barwidth=0.6 nooutline;
xaxis discreteorder=data display=(nolabel noticks) valueattrs=(family=Arial size=8.5pt);
yaxis label="Percent of all admissions aged 12 and older" values=(0 to 100 by 20) display=(noticks) labelattrs=(family=Arial size=8pt weight=normal) valueattrs=(family=Arial size=8pt);
keylegend/title="" valueattrs=(family=Arial size=8.5pt) noborder scale=1.25 autooutline linelength=30 fillaspect=golden;
ods graphics off;
ods pdf close;
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