I am trying to flag certain words in 3 different string variables using a macro variable list. For example, I created a macro variable containing a list of US state names. proc sql noprint;
select staten
into :statenames separated by '|'
from sashelp.tgrmaps;
quit; First I tried to use the findw function but it did not flag any records. The code works with a single word as the argument so I suspect it may be searching for the entire list rather than the individual names. I wasn't able to work out how to fix that. if %sysfunc(findw(var1,&statenames, ,i))>=1 then state_flag=1;
else if %sysfunc(findw(var2,&statenames, ,i))>=1 then state_flag=1;
else if %sysfunc(findw(var3,&statenames, ,i))>=1 then state_flag=1;
else state_flag=0; I then tried to use pattern matching as shown below. However my dataset is very large (~7 million) records and it seems this method is too slow and does not run even after 2+ hours. if prxmatch("/&statenames/i",var1)>0 then state_flag=1;
else if prxmatch("/&statenames/i",var2)>0 then state_flag=1;
else if prxmatch("/&statenames/i",var3)>0 then state_flag=1;
else state_flag=0;
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