* Memorial Day 2023 Image;
data crosses;
do x = -1.44 to 15 by 1.2;
do y=1.8 to 9.8;
x1=x-(y-1)/3; x2=x-(y-1)/3; y1=y-1; y2=y-0; output;
x1=x-(y-1)/3-.3; x2=x-(y-1)/3+.3; y1=y-1/3; y2=y-1/3; output;
ods graphics / antialias width=5in height=5in;
proc sgplot aspect=1 nowall noborder pad=0;
styleattrs backcolor=cx486f38;
inset "REMEMBER" / position=bottom textattrs=(weight=bold color=white size=14pt);
vector x=x1 y=y1 / xorigin=x2 yorigin=y2 noarrowheads lineattrs=(thickness=5.5pt color=white);
xaxis display=none offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0 values=(1 to 10 by 1);
yaxis display=none offsetmin=.1 offsetmax=0 values=(1 to 10 by 1);