I have a graph in which layout overlay is nested in Layout Lattice! I need split the label of y axis , how can achieve this
When I use labelfitpolicy=Split its being replaced with AUTO
From documentation I see the following
Default | AUTO |
Interactions | This option has effect only when LABELPOSITION= is CENTER or DATACENTER. |
When the overlay layout is nested in a lattice layout, SPLIT is ignored and AUTO is used instead. |
How Can I achieve this now?
Please let me know your thoughts!!
Well, the doc clearly says you cannot use split Y axis when Overlay is nested in a Lattice. If you attach your program and data and a figure of what you want, maybe we can find an alternative. Which release of SAS are you using?
I am using SAS 9.4 version , Please see yaxis label!!
proc template;
define statgraph plot1;
begingraph / designwidth=9.0in designheight=5.05in border=yes;
entrytitle "¶m" / textattrs=(size=9);
layout lattice / columndatarange=union rowweights=(0.95); ;
layout overlay /
xaxisopts=(name="xaxis" discreteopts=(tickvaluefitpolicy=extract) offsetmax=0.05 tickvalueattrs=(size=9pt) type=linear display=(line ticks tickvalues)
linearopts=(tickvaluefitpolicy=none tickvaluelist=(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33)
yaxisopts=(label="This is a ver very very very very long long long text" tickvalueattrs=(size=9pt)
linearopts=(tickvaluesequence=(start=&&ymin&i end=&&ymax&i increment=&&ytick&i) viewmin=&&ymin&i viewmax=&&ymax&i minorticks=true)
seriesplot x=eval(atptn-1*&offx) y=mean1/ lineattrs=graphdata1(pattern=solid thickness=1) name='1' legendlabel="Drug C";
scatterplot x=eval(atptn-1*&offx) y=mean1/ YErrorUpper=High1 YErrorLower=Low1
markerattrs=graphdata1(symbol=trianglefilled size=10) errorbarattrs=graphdata1(pattern=solid)
name='a' legendlabel="Drug C";
seriesplot x=eval(atptn) y=mean2 / lineattrs=graphdata2(pattern=shortdash thickness=1) name='2' legendlabel="Drug A";
scatterplot x=eval(atptn) y=mean2 / YErrorUpper=High2 YErrorLower=Low2
markerattrs=graphdata2(symbol=circlefilled size=8.5) errorbarattrs=graphdata2(pattern=solid)
name='b' legendlabel="Drug A";
seriesplot x=eval(atptn+1*&offx) y=mean3 / lineattrs=graphdata3(pattern=mediumdash thickness=1) name='3' legendlabel="Drug B";
scatterplot x=eval(atptn+1*&offx) y=mean3 / YErrorUpper=High3 YErrorLower=Low3
markerattrs=graphdata3(symbol=asterisk size=8.5) errorbarattrs=graphdata3(pattern=solid)
name='c' legendlabel="Drug B";
sidebar / spacefill=false;
discretelegend 'a' 'b' 'c' / title='Treatment Group: ' across=3;
PARAMCD | PARAM | trta1 | SEQ | VISIT | n1 | mean1 | stderr1 | high1 | low1 | trta2 | n2 | mean2 | stderr2 | high2 | low2 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 1 | Day 1 | 15 | 118.4444 | 3.90552 | 122.35 | 114.5389 | DRUG B | 15 | 109.5 | 2.958968 | 112.459 | 106.541 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 2 | Day 2 | 15 | 114.2222 | 4.112237 | 118.3345 | 110.11 | DRUG B | 15 | 107.75 | 2.296654 | 110.0467 | 105.4533 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 3 | Day 3 | 15 | 117 | 4.368447 | 121.3684 | 112.6316 | DRUG B | 15 | 111.5 | 2.692582 | 114.1926 | 108.8074 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 4 | Day 4 | 15 | 120.1111 | 5.078398 | 125.1895 | 115.0327 | DRUG B | 15 | 115.1667 | 3.161878 | 118.3285 | 112.0048 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 5 | Day 5 | 15 | 115.3333 | 2.44949 | 117.7828 | 112.8838 | DRUG B | 15 | 111.4167 | 3.583333 | 115 | 107.8333 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 6 | Day 6 | 15 | 115.7778 | 4.875613 | 120.6534 | 110.9022 | DRUG B | 15 | 110.25 | 2.46836 | 112.7184 | 107.7816 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 7 | Day 7 | 15 | 112.1111 | 4.21454 | 116.3257 | 107.8966 | DRUG B | 15 | 107.3333 | 2.422537 | 109.7559 | 104.9108 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 8 | Day 8 | 15 | 115 | 4.546061 | 119.5461 | 110.4539 | DRUG B | 15 | 108.5 | 2.053542 | 110.5535 | 106.4465 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 9 | Day 9 | 15 | 112.5556 | 4.343293 | 116.8988 | 108.2123 | DRUG B | 15 | 107.7143 | 3.263903 | 110.9782 | 104.4504 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 10 | Day 10 | 15 | 120 | 4.734624 | 124.7346 | 115.2654 | DRUG B | 15 | 117.9286 | 4.253588 | 122.1822 | 113.675 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 11 | Day 11 | 15 | 115 | 4.898979 | 119.899 | 110.101 | DRUG B | 15 | 112.5 | 3.562241 | 116.0622 | 108.9378 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 12 | Day 12 | 15 | 115.5556 | 4.687783 | 120.2433 | 110.8678 | DRUG B | 15 | 113.5 | 3.735411 | 117.2354 | 109.7646 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 13 | Day 13 | 15 | 109.2222 | 3.035795 | 112.258 | 106.1864 | DRUG B | 15 | 109.2143 | 2.568145 | 111.7824 | 106.6461 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 14 | Day 14 | 15 | 110.6667 | 4.705198 | 115.3719 | 105.9615 | DRUG B | 15 | 110.6429 | 2.873921 | 113.5168 | 107.7689 |
TESTCD | Test | DRUG A | 15 | Day 15 | 15 | 114 | 4.487637 | 118.4876 | 109.5124 | DRUG B | 15 | 110.8571 | 3.60838 | 114.4655 | 107.2488 |
Your GTL code has macro variables and some variables not included. I changed some of those values and got a graph showing the entire Y axis label. Reducing the height of the graph did produce the log message. You can set LabelSplitPolicy to SPLITALWAYS and set LABELSPLITCHAR="," to split it where you want.
yaxisopts=(label="This is a ver very very very very, long long long text" tickvalueattrs=(size=9pt)
labelfitpolicy=splitalways labelsplitchar=','
Also, I think this graph can be made using SGPLOT as shown below without the macro variables where due to the absence of the LATTICE, the Y axis gets split as expected. For some reason, I cannot attach the image.
proc sgplot data=values;
series x=seq y=mean1/ lineattrs=graphdata1(pattern=solid thickness=1) name='1' legendlabel="Drug C";
scatter x=seq y=mean1/ YErrorUpper=High1 YErrorLower=Low1
markerattrs=graphdata1(symbol=trianglefilled size=10) errorbarattrs=graphdata1(pattern=solid)
name='a' legendlabel="Drug C";
series x=seq y=mean2 / lineattrs=graphdata2(pattern=shortdash thickness=1) name='2' legendlabel="Drug A";
scatter x=seq y=mean2 / YErrorUpper=High2 YErrorLower=Low2
markerattrs=graphdata2(symbol=circlefilled size=8.5) errorbarattrs=graphdata2(pattern=solid)
name='b' legendlabel="Drug A";
xaxis integer values=(1 to 15 by 1);
yaxis label="This is a very very very very very long long long text";
keylegend 'a' 'b';
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