Here's my code.
I specified Justify and Height options, but I get a centerd title in a fix height (I tried to change the height, but it doesn't affect the graph)
What's wrong with my syntax?
Thanks in advance!
goptions reset=all;
legend1 label=('Station') value=(height=1 justify=left 'A' 'B' 'C' )shape=symbol(3,0.5)
position=(top right inside ) mode=protect down=3 across=1 frame;
title '(a)' JUSTIFY=left HEIGHT=3 ;
symbol1 i =join v=dot c=green h=0.1 cm;
symbol2 i =join v=dot c=blue h=0.1 cm;
symbol3 i =join v=dot c=red h=0.1 cm;
axis1 order=('5jan03:00:00'dt to '12jan03:00:00'dt by day)
label=(f=swiss h=0.5 cm 'Date and Time') minor=(number=24);
axis2 order = (0 to 60 by 10)
label=(f=swiss h=0.5 cm a=90 'O3 [ppb]');
proc gplot gout=w data=hh.jan_03_excel;
plot O3*d=stat_id /vaxis = axis2 haxis=axis1 LEGEND=LEGEND1
/*legend=legend2 */
name="O3 January 2003.gif";
where day in (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12);
run; quit;