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Barite | Level 11

I am trying to create a sem-log graph using proc template. I am able to create linear graph, but  How we can create it, I am new to how to derive geometric means, std and how they used  in semi -log graph and how to adjust the y axis values.  I also have another request ,how We  can adjust the legend highlighted in the image. I am looking to have legends one top of the other instead of horizontal. I really appreciate your help. Thanks

Present legend alignment

---o--- F   ---*--- M

Req legend alignment

---o--- F

---*--- M

Linear Graph Image


proc means data = sashelp.class nway;
class age sex;
var weight;
output out= class_mean n=n mean= _MEAN std= sd ;

data mean1;
set class_mean;

lower = _MEAN - sd;
upper = _MEAN - sd;

ods path(prepend) work.templat(update);
proc template;
	define statgraph series;
	begingraph/ BORDER=False datasymbols=( circle Asterisk) ;
	   layout lattice / rowdatarange=data columndatarange=data rowgutter=10 columngutter=10;
	      layout overlay / xaxisopts=( label=('Age') tickvalueattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 ) labelattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 )
										linearopts=( viewmin=10 viewmax=20 tickvaluesequence=( start=0.0 end=20 increment=1)))
							yaxisopts=( label=('weight)') labelattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 ) tickvalueattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 )
										linearopts=( viewmin=40 viewmax=160.0 tickvaluesequence=( start=0.0 end=160.0 increment=20.0)));
	         seriesplot x=age y= _MEAN /   group=sex name='series' display=(markers) connectorder=xaxis ;
	         scatterplot x=age y= _MEAN /  yerrorupper = upper yerrorlower = lower group=trtan name='scatter';
	         discretelegend 'series' / opaque=false border=true halign=right valign=top displayclipped=true across=2 order=rowmajor location=inside titleattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 );

ods graphics on/ width=9 in height=4.6 in   ;

options orientation = landscape errors = 2 missing = ' ' nofmterr ls = 175 validvarname = upcase nofmterr nobyline 
noquotelenmax ;
ods escapechar = '^';
ods results on; 
ods listing close; 
ods rtf file = "&location..\chk.rtf" 
						style = _table nogtitle nogfootnote;
proc sgrender data=mean1 template=series;

ods rtf close;
ods listing close;




Lapis Lazuli | Level 10
Modify your template, add type=log in yaxisopts statement and set across=1 in discretelegend statement.
Barite | Level 11

Thank you. You across option worked for me. However type= log is not creating the semi-log graph. it creating linear graph only can you please suggest where I am doing wrong. I don't see any error in log either.




63209 proc means data = sashelp.class nway;
63210 class age sex;
63211 var weight;
63212 output out= class_mean n=n mean= _MEAN std= sd ;
63213 run;

WARNING: No output destinations active.
NOTE: There were 19 observations read from the data set SASHELP.CLASS.
NOTE: The data set WORK.CLASS_MEAN has 11 observations and 7 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE MEANS used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
cpu time 0.03 seconds

63215 data mean1;
63216 set class_mean;
63218 lower = _MEAN - sd;
63219 upper = _MEAN - sd;
63220 run;

NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values.
Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column).
4 at 63218:15 4 at 63219:15
NOTE: There were 11 observations read from the data set WORK.CLASS_MEAN.
NOTE: The data set WORK.MEAN1 has 11 observations and 9 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds

63222 ods path(prepend) work.templat(update);
63223 proc template;
63224 define statgraph series;
63225 begingraph/ BORDER=False datasymbols=( circle Asterisk) ;
63226 layout lattice / rowdatarange=data columndatarange=data rowgutter=10 columngutter=10;
63227 layout overlay / xaxisopts=( label=('Age') tickvalueattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 ) labelattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 )
63228 linearopts=( viewmin=10 viewmax=20 tickvaluesequence=( start=0.0 end=20 increment=1)))
63229 yaxisopts=( label=('weight)') type=log labelattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 ) tickvalueattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 )
63230 linearopts=( viewmin=40 viewmax=160.0 tickvaluesequence=( start=0.0 end=160.0 increment=20.0)));
63231 seriesplot x=age y= _MEAN / group=sex name='series' display=(markers) connectorder=xaxis ;
63232 scatterplot x=age y= _MEAN / yerrorupper = upper yerrorlower = lower group=trtan name='scatter';
63233 discretelegend 'series' / opaque=false border=true halign=right valign=top displayclipped=true across=2 order=rowmajor location=inside
63233 ! titleattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 );
63234 endlayout;
63235 endlayout;
63236 endgraph;
63237 end;
NOTE: Overwriting existing template/link: Series
NOTE: STATGRAPH 'Series' has been saved to: WORK.TEMPLAT
63238 run;
NOTE: PROCEDURE TEMPLATE used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds

63241 ods graphics on/ width=9 in height=4.6 in ;
63243 options orientation = landscape errors = 2 missing = ' ' nofmterr ls = 175 validvarname = upcase nofmterr nobyline
63244 noquotelenmax ;
63245 ods escapechar = '^';
63246 ods results on;
63247 ods listing close;
63248 ods rtf file = "&location\chk.rtf"
63249 style = rtf nogtitle nogfootnote;
NOTE: Writing RTF Body file:&location\chk.rtf
63251 proc sgrender data=mean1 template=series;
63253 run;

NOTE: There were 11 observations read from the data set WORK.MEAN1.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SGRENDER used (Total process time):
real time 0.19 seconds
cpu time 0.12 seconds

63254 ods rtf close;
63255 ods listing close;


proc means data = sashelp.class nway;
class age sex;
var weight;
output out= class_mean n=n mean= _MEAN std= sd ;

data mean1;
set class_mean;

lower = _MEAN - sd;
upper = _MEAN - sd;

ods path(prepend) work.templat(update);
proc template;
	define statgraph series;
	begingraph/ BORDER=False datasymbols=( circle Asterisk) ;
	   layout lattice / rowdatarange=data columndatarange=data rowgutter=10 columngutter=10;
	      layout overlay / xaxisopts=( label=('Age') tickvalueattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 ) labelattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 )
										linearopts=( viewmin=10 viewmax=20 tickvaluesequence=( start=0.0 end=20 increment=1)))
							yaxisopts=( label=('weight)') type=log labelattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 ) tickvalueattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 )
										linearopts=( viewmin=40 viewmax=160.0 tickvaluesequence=( start=0.0 end=160.0 increment=20.0)));
	         seriesplot x=age y= _MEAN /   group=sex name='series' display=(markers) connectorder=xaxis ;
	         scatterplot x=age y= _MEAN /  yerrorupper = upper yerrorlower = lower group=trtan name='scatter';
	         discretelegend 'series' / opaque=false border=true halign=right valign=top displayclipped=true across=2 order=rowmajor location=inside titleattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 );

ods graphics on/ width=9 in height=4.6 in   ;

options orientation = landscape errors = 2 missing = ' ' nofmterr ls = 175 validvarname = upcase nofmterr nobyline 
noquotelenmax ;
ods escapechar = '^';
ods results on; 
ods listing close; 
ods rtf file = "&location.\chk.rtf" 
						style = rtf  nogtitle nogfootnote;
proc sgrender data=mean1 template=series;

ods rtf close;
ods listing close;
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

The code really worked for me:


proc means data = sashelp.class nway;
class age sex;
var weight;
output out= class_mean n=n mean= _MEAN std= sd ;

data mean1;
set class_mean;

lower = _MEAN - sd;
upper = _MEAN - sd;

ods path(prepend) work.templat(update);
proc template;
	define statgraph series;
	begingraph/ BORDER=False datasymbols=( circle Asterisk) ;
	   layout lattice / rowdatarange=data columndatarange=data rowgutter=10 columngutter=10;
	      layout overlay / xaxisopts=( label=('Age') tickvalueattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 ) labelattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 )
										linearopts=( viewmin=10 viewmax=20 tickvaluesequence=( start=0.0 end=20 increment=1)))
							yaxisopts=( label=('weight)') type=log labelattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 ) tickvalueattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 )
										linearopts=( viewmin=40 viewmax=160.0 tickvaluesequence=( start=0.0 end=160.0 increment=20.0)));
	         seriesplot x=age y= _MEAN /   group=sex name='series' display=(markers) connectorder=xaxis ;
	         scatterplot x=age y= _MEAN /  yerrorupper = upper yerrorlower = lower group=trtan name='scatter';
	         discretelegend 'series' / opaque=false border=true halign=right valign=top displayclipped=true across=2 order=rowmajor location=inside titleattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 );

ods graphics on/ width=9 in height=4.6 in   ;

options orientation = landscape errors = 2 missing = ' ' nofmterr ls = 175 validvarname = upcase nofmterr nobyline 
noquotelenmax ;
ods escapechar = '^';
ods results on; 
ods listing close; 
proc sgrender data=mean1 template=series;

ods listing close;



Calcite | Level 5

Try the following y-axis options:

yaxisopts=( type=log tickvalueattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 )
logopts=(base=10 tickvaluepriority=true tickintervalstyle=logexpand tickvaluelist=( 0.1 1 10 100 1000) minorticks=true)
label='weight' labelattrs=(family='Courier New' size=8 ) );


Below is the output:




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