Graphics Programming

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Lapis Lazuli | Level 10 tc
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10



I did my share of popsicle stick craft projects as a kid, including "switch blades" and "bombs." 😀


So, with Independence Day approaching, here's a quick SAS ODS Graphics take on a Popsicle Stick American Flag craft project. Happy 4th of July, all!


* Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: Stars and Popsicle Stick Stripes Forever
  See craft projoect at:;
data stripes;                        * Generate rectangles for 5 popsicle stick stripes;
do id=1 to 5;
  color=mod(id,2);                   * Assign color codes 0=Red 1=White 2=Blue;   
  x=.33; y=(id-1)*.72; output; x=6-.33; output; y=(id-1)*.72+.66; output; x=.33; output;

data canton;                          * Generate 3 shorter blue rectangles for canton;
do id=3 to 5;
  csx=.33; csy=(id-1)*.72; output; csx=3; output; csy=(id-1)*.72+.66; output; csx=.33; output;

data circles(keep=colorc xc yc);     * Generate circles for rounded ends of popsicle stick stripes;
do id=1 to 5; 
  if id<=2 then colorc=mod(id,2); else colorc=2; 
  xc=.33; yc=(id-1)*.72+.33; output; colorc=mod(id,2); xc=6-.33; output; 

data stars(keep=xs ys);               * Generate 3 rows of stars (5 in each row); 
do id=3 to 5; 
  do s=1 to 5; xs=s*3/6; output; end; 

data flag;                            * Pull all the pieces together;
set stripes circles canton stars; 
                                      * Make a flag with polygon + ellipseparm + scatter plots!; 
ods graphics / noborder height=3.54in width=6in;
proc sgplot data=flag noautolegend nowall noborder;
styleattrs backcolor=cxb1e5ff datacolors=(CXB22234 white CX3C3B6E);     * "Old Glory Red/Blue";
symbolchar name=uniStar char='2605'x; * Unicode value for 5-pointed star;
polygon x=x y=y id=id / nooutline fill colormodel=(white CXB22234) colorresponse=color nomissinggroup; * Plot rectangular part of stripes; 
ellipseparm semimajor=.33 semiminor=.33 / slope=1 xorigin=xc yorigin=yc fill nooutline group=colorc nomissinggroup; * Plot rounded ends of stripes;
polygon x=csx y=csy id=id / nooutline fill fillattrs=(color=CX3C3B6E);  * Plot canton; 
scatter x=xS y=yS / markerattrs=(symbol=unistar color=White size=48pt); * Plot stars;
xaxis display=none values=(0 6) offsetmin=.06 offsetmax=.06;            * Hide axes; 
yaxis display=none values=(0 3.6) offsetmin=.0625 offsetmax=.06;             




Meteorite | Level 14

@tc  never disappoints!


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