Might create another chart with actuals once the election results are in, but for now here's a SAS ODS Graphics Waterfall chart that shows how a candidate could win only 12 states and still get elected President. Night, all!
* Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: How Many States Does It Take To Win A Presidential Election?;
* Get Electoral College Votes and Estimated Population by State
proc import datafile='/home/ted.conway/StatesVotesPopulation.xlsx' out=StatesVotesPopulation dbms=xlsx;
* Get state name to state code mapping;
proc import datafile='/home/ted.conway/state2statecd.xlsx' out=state2statecd dbms=xlsx;
proc sql; * Join data;
create table statecodesvotespopulation as
select coalesce(s2c.statecd, svp.state) as statecd, svp.*
from StatesVotesPopulation svp left join state2statecd s2c on svp.state=s2c.state order by votes desc;
data statecodesvotespopulationrank; * Rank states by # electoral votes for Waterfall chart;
set statecodesvotespopulation;
%SGANNO; * Annotate chart with Wikipedia pics of Harris and Trump using SAS-provided macros;
data presidentpics; * Pics from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_States_presidential_election;
%SGIMAGE (image="/home/ted.conway/Harris.png",drawspace="DATAVALUE",xc1="WI",y1=110,height=80,heightunit="DATA",anchor="BOTTOM");
%SGIMAGE (image="/home/ted.conway/Trump.png",drawspace="DATAVALUE",xc1="MS", y1=110, height=80,heightunit="DATA",anchor="BOTTOM");
ods graphics / height=11in width=14in imagefmt=png; * Create waterfall plot of votes by state - 538 total, takes 270 to win!;
proc sgplot data=statecodesvotespopulationrank noborder nowall sganno=presidentpics;
inset 'Q. HOW MANY STATES DOES IT TAKE TO WIN THE PRESIDENCY?' ' ' 'A. JUST TWELVE!' ' ' / textattrs=(size=16pt weight=bold) position=bottom;
waterfall category=statecd response=votes / datalabel fillattrs=(color=royalblue) baselineattrs=(thickness=0) barwidth=1 nooutline finalbarattrs=(color=royalblue) finalbartickvalue='ALL';
xaxis display=(nolabel noticks) grid valueattrs=(size=8.5pt) fitpolicy=none;
yaxis display=(noticks) label='ELECTORAL VOTES' grid valueattrs=(size=9pt);
refline 270 / axis=y label='270 (YOU WIN!)' labelloc=inside labelpos=min lineattrs=(thickness=2pt) labelattrs=(weight=bold);
Nice application of the little-used WATERFALL statement in PROC SGPLOT. This chart type is also called a "cascade chart." It is useful for visualizing cumulative sums. For readers who have never used a cascade plot, see Create a cascade chart in SAS - The DO Loop
A follow-up SAS ODS Graphics step plot of electoral votes won by each candidate for each state using the latest results from NBC News.
* Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: 2024 Electoral College Results
Based on nbcnews.com/politics/2024-elections/president-results;
* Get Electoral College Votes and Most Recent Results by State
proc import datafile='/home/ted.conway/PresidentialElectionResults2024.xlsx' out=ElectionResults dbms=xlsx replace;
* Get state name to state code mapping;
proc import datafile='/home/ted.conway/state2statecd.xlsx' out=state2statecd dbms=xlsx;
proc sql; * Append state abbreviation (special join logic for split states, DC);
create table StateCodesElectionResults as
select s2c.statecd, case when harris>trump then 'Harris' else 'Trump' end as Winner, sum(er.votes) as Votes
from ElectionResults er
left join state2statecd s2c on translate(er.state,' ','123')=s2c.state or scan(er.state,-1,' ,')=s2c.statecd
group by winner, s2c.statecd order by winner;
* Get total electoral votes for each state for ranking (biggest first);
create table statevotes as select statecd, sum(votes) as numvotes from StateCodesElectionResults group by 1 order by 2 desc, 1;
create table rankstatevotes as select monotonic() as rank, sv.* from statevotes sv;
* Append rankings;
create table StateCodesElectionResultsRank as
select s.*, r.rank from StateCodesElectionResults s join rankstatevotes r on s.statecd=r.statecd
order by winner, rank;
data data2chart; * Get cumulative vote totals for chart for candidates;
set StateCodesElectionResultsRank;
by winner;
if first.winner then totvotes=0;
proc sort data=data2chart; by rank winner; * Put data back in order for charting (states with most votesfirst);
%SGANNO; * Anotate chart with Wikipedia pics of Harris and Trump using SAS-provided macros;
data presidentpics; * Pics from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_States_presidential_election;
%SGIMAGE (image="/home/ted.conway/Harris.png",drawspace="DATAVALUE",xc1="WY",y1=217,height=45,heightunit="DATA",anchor="TOPRIGHT");
%SGIMAGE (image="/home/ted.conway/Trump.png",drawspace="DATAVALUE",xc1="WY", y1=300, height=45,heightunit="DATA",anchor="TOPRIGHT");
%SGTEXT (LABEL="312",drawspace="DATAVALUE",xc1="SD", y1=253, textsize=16, textweight="bold",textcolor="red",anchor="TOP"); * Trump electoral votes;
%SGTEXT (LABEL="226",drawspace="DATAVALUE",xc1="SD", y1=170, textsize=16, textweight="bold",textcolor="blue",anchor="TOP"); * Harris electoral votes;
ods graphics / antialias height=11in width=14in; * Create step plot of electoral votes by state by candidate;
proc sgplot data=data2chart noborder nowall sganno=presidentpics;
styleattrs datacontrastcolors=(blue red); * Party colors;
inset "2024 ELECTORAL COLLEGE RESULTS" ' ' ' ' / textattrs=(size=24pt weight=bold) position=bottom;
step x=statecd y=totvotes / grouporder=data group=winner discreteoffset=0 datalabelpos=top justify=center datalabel=statecd markers filledoutlinedmarkers markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled) lineattrs=(thickness=2pt);
xaxistable votes / label=" "; * Electoral votes for each state;
xaxis display=(nolabel noticks noline) grid valueattrs=(size=8.5pt) fitpolicy=none;
yaxis display=(noticks noline) label='ELECTORAL VOTES' grid valueattrs=(size=9pt) offsetmax=.075 values=(0 to 325 by 100);
keylegend / position=bottom location=inside noborder title=" "; * Legend for candidates;
refline 270 / axis=y label='270 to Win' labelloc=inside labelpos=min lineattrs=(thickness=2pt); * Votes needed to win;
I think you need to use the JUSTIFY=LEFT option for the STEP function instead of JUSTIFY=CENTER. That will make the step function to increase when it gets to the location of the state that awards the electoral votes.
I think use warterfill graph in clinical trial ,would better .
data president;
infile cards expandtabs truncover;
input panel stat $ n name $ cutoff;
1 Trump 312 Trump 270
1 Harris 226 Harris
2 CA 54 Harris
2 TX 40 Trump
2 FL 30 Trump
2 NY 28 Harris
2 IL 19 Harris
2 PA 19 Trump
2 OH 17 Trump
2 GA 16 Trump
2 NC 16 Trump
2 MI 15 Trump
2 NJ 14 Harris
2 VA 13 Harris
2 WA 12 Harris
2 AZ 11 Trump
2 IN 11 Trump
2 MA 11 Harris
2 TN 11 Trump
2 CO 10 Harris
2 MD 10 Trump
2 MN 10 Harris
2 MO 10 Harris
2 WI 10 Trump
2 AL 9 Trump
2 SC 9 Trump
2 KY 8 Trump
2 LA 8 Trump
2 OR 8 Harris
2 CT 7 Harris
2 OK 7 Trump
2 AR 6 Trump
2 IA 6 Trump
2 KS 6 Trump
2 MS 6 Trump
2 NV 6 Trump
2 UT 6 Trump
2 NE 5 Trump
2 NM 5 Harris
2 HI 4 Harris
2 ID 4 Trump
2 ME 4 Trump
2 MT 4 Trump
2 NH 4 Harris
2 RI 4 Harris
2 WV 4 Trump
2 AK 3 Trump
2 DC 3 Harris
2 DE 3 Harris
2 ND 3 Trump
2 SD 3 Trump
2 VT 3 Harris
2 WY 3 Trump
data sganno;
%SGTEXT (LABEL="270 to Win",drawspace="GRAPHPERCENT",y1=99, x1=82, WIDTH=20,textsize=10);
ods graphics / antialias height=1000px width=600px;
proc sgpanel data=president noautolegend sganno=sganno;
panelby panel/onepanel spacing=10 noborder layout=rowlattice noheader PROPORTIONAL uniscale=column;
styleattrs datacolors=(red blue);
hbar stat/response=n group=name categoryorder=respdesc datalabel nooutline ;
refline cutoff / axis=x lineattrs=(thickness=2pt);
colaxis display=none;
rowaxis display=(nolabel);
Is there a way to get the lines to start at zero?
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