Holiday Door WreathODS Graphics Chinese Flag Wreath
A neighbor's holiday door wreath was nice, but made me wonder, "Where have I seen that before?" And then I remembered - @Ksharp's SAS ODS Graphics Happy-National-Day Chinese flag wreath! Happy Holidays!
UPDATE: Modified code, adding random sizes and shades of reds to get the following virtual holiday wreath. OK, nowhere near as nice as my neighbor's, but you can't beat the price! 😀 🎅
ODS Graphics Holiday Wreath
data wreath; * Generate points for holiday 'wreath';
do a=90 to -270 by -10; * Generates points for bubbles;
do r=.5 to 1.1 by .15; * Five points for each angle;
size=ceil(ranuni(7)*10); * Assign random size (# from 1-10);
if r=1.1 then size=max(size,4); * Minimum size for outermost ring is 4;
colornum=ceil(ranuni(2)*5); * Assign random red shade (# from 1-5);
* Holiday Wreath (Bubble+Scatter Plots);
proc sgplot data=wreath aspect=1 noautolegend noborder;
bubble x=x y=y size=size /
dataskin=pressed nooutline bradiusmin=.17in bradiusmax=.28in
colormodel=(cxff5b5b cxe20000 cxcb0000 cxbd0000 cxa60000) /* Shades of red */
fill colorresponse=colornum;
xaxis display=none; yaxis display=none; * Look Ma, no axes!;