Hi All,
I have a stored process that creates a lot of graphs.
When I run it from Web Report Studio, it looks like only the first 15 images are incorporated into the SASREPORT file. For the rest of the images, I see the empty_default_image.gif:
If I export the report from WRS and look in the zip file, indeed it only has 15 images in it. The SAS log claims that all of the images were created successfully. When I run the procedure from EG, the SASREPORT file has all plots.
So is this some sort of time-out that is happening when the procedure is called from WRS, or some other limitation?
I can recreate it, with just:
%macro mkplots(n=50); %do i=1 %to &n; title "Plot #&i"; proc gplot data=sashelp.class; plot height*weight; run; quit; %end; %mend; %mkplots()
I tried to create a stored process on the same code you have provided and i ran that in WRS...but i am not getting any timed out or missing images(So its not a limitation).May be some problem with your environment .
Thanks Shiva,
Good to know it's not an inherent limitation. Maybe I can get the server admin to check the server logs, and see if they show anything going on...
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