Hi. I am linking StPs, see the attachment which is just an example. When I output to HTML, link is working, but when I output to XLSX, the link i not working. However, if I copy the URL from XLSX to the addressfield in Internet Explorer, it works. What do I miss in the URL in XLSX?
To make i possible for the user to get an XLSX-output, I am trying to make a work around by placing the URL in a footnote, see the code below.. However, I am having trouble with passing parameters to the URL in the footnote. What am I doing wrong? I have debugged and I am certain of that the variables have values.
The code is below:
/* This code is for HTML output */
%Else %Do;
/* These variables have values */
%Put 'Dato:' &Dato.;
%put 'Levaar:' &Levaar.;
%Put 'Kansv_Inp:' &Kansv_Inp.;
%Put 'Valg:' &Valg.;
ODS escapechar='^';
/* Title1 and Title2 gets values for &Levaar., &Dato. and &Kansv_Title. Why does it work for the Titles, but not for Footnote? */
Title1 "^{style [font_size=14pt] ^{style [font_weight=Bold] ^{style [color=green] Vareleveranse for år &Levaar. pr. &Dato.}}}";
Title2 "^{style [font_size=11pt] ^{style [font_weight=Bold] ^{style [color=black] Oversikt over varemottakere for &Kansv_Title}}}";
/* The variables in Footnote1 are not replaced by values, but they are passed as their name. Why? */
Footnote1 link="%nrstr(do?_program=%2FLandkreditt+Bank+Informasjonsplattform%2FRapportering%2FAdministrasjon%2FStored+Process%2FUnder+arbeid%2FVareleveranse_StP_Print_Excel&Dato=&Dato.+&Levaar=&Levaar.+&Kundeansv=&Kundeansv+&valg=Excel)" "Open in Excel";
Proc report data=work.Grunnlag_Overordnet_url nowd
style (header)=[background=aliceblue];
column Navn_Varemottaker Varemottaker Navn Leveranseaar Sum_Salgsverdi Sum_Omsetningsverdi Sum_Fratrekk;
/* Viktig: Kolonne Navn_Varemottaker benyttes aom input parameter til neste StP, men er ikke vist i rapport fordi den inneholder UTF-8-tegn */
define Navn_Varemottaker /display Noprint;
define Varemottaker /display;
/* define Navn_Varemottaker /display;
define Leveranseaar /display;*/
compute Varemottaker;
/* This is the URL which is working in HTML, but not in XLSX. However, if I copy the URL from XLSX to the addressfield i Internet Explorer, it works. */
urlstring = 'http://fdpsas001test.landkreditt.local/SASStoredProcess/do?_action=form%2Cproperties%2Cexecute%2Cnobanner%2Cnewwindow&_program=%2FLandkreditt+Bank+Informasjonsplattform%2FRapportering%2FAdministrasjon%2FStored+Process%2FUnder+arbeid%2FVareleveranse_StP_Print_Kansv&Dato='!!"&Dato."!!'+&Levaar='!!"&Levaar."!!'+&Aar_Ifj='!!"&Aar_Ifj."!!'+&Fra_Aar='!!"&Aar_Fra."!!'+&Navn_Mottaker='!!strip(Navn_Varemottaker)!!'+&Mottaker='!!strip(varemottaker)!!'+&Kundeansv='!!&Kansv_Inp!!'+&valg='!!"&Valg.";
call define ('varemottaker','URL',urlstring);
Morten Fredrik
%nrstr is a macro function for masking special characters and therefore prevents resolution of macro variables and macro calls.
%nrstr is a macro function for masking special characters and therefore prevents resolution of macro variables and macro calls.
Thank you. I'll try without %nrstr.
Morten Fredrik
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