Given your time constraints, my suggestions is that you contact Tech Support and open a "ticket" fairly soon. Getting all the configuration items worked out is something that is really specific to your installation.
Stored Processes are not the same things as database Stored Procedures. If you are asking where the default location is for SAS Stored Processes, there are 2 locations:
--One location, the "BIP Tree" folder is the "fixed" location that must hold stored processes that will be executed via SAS Web Report Studio (it also is the location for Infomation Maps and other WRS content, like logos, banners, etc).
--The "other" location for Stored Processes is not ONE location, but multiple locations or folders that you can set up using the BI Manager plug-in of SAS Management Console.
There are also configuration issues involved with creating permanent packages in a WebDAV repository -- if that's what you mean by your comment that you want to store the SAS results in a CLOB -- so you need to know that you have configured your WebDAV repository correctly,
However, you should make sure that your whole configuration is correct and your servers and security are set up correctly. Tech Support can help you with those questions and then, once those things are verified, they can help you figure out the whole CLOB in the Oracle database issue.
To contact Tech Support, go to
http://support.sas.com and in the left-hand navigation pane, look for the link entitled, "Submit a Problem."