In SAS Management Console I've defined a new SAS library based on a DB2 engine. This connection works well on WorkSpace servers and Stored Process Servers. Now the following happens:
At night, the DB2 database goes offline for backup reasons. The SP server will lose connection with this database server and the users won't be able to run SP's based on this connection. However, the Metadata server will think the connection is up and running.
There's no way to avoid the database server from going offline, so I need to find a solution to make the SP server automaticly reconnect. By the way, the WorkSpace server doesn't have this kind of problem, because it's automaticly starting a new sas process.
Restarting the SP server or ObjectSpawner with a cronjob wouldn't be the perfect solution, because it will affect the whole organisation. What's next to try?
Tnx in advance