I am not sure what's up with your test. When I wrote the original stored process, I tested it using the SAS Information Delivery Portal with Excel 2002 AND Excel 2003. Remember, however, that you would NOT be using the SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office for this Stored Process. You would ONLY be able to run this stored process from the Information Delivery Portal. I don't know whether this stored process would work in EG, but I suspect that it will not.
Generally speaking, you only need to specify or change the MIME type header when you want to launch a viewer other than the browser for the content that is returned from the stored process.
Did you perhaps try to submit this code from inside a SAS session or an EG code node? How did you register the stored process? I just tested it again using the SAS Information Delivery Portal and a result type of STREAMING for the stored process and the portal launched the download dialog box, I clicked Open and Excel opened my output. So, I'm stumped on why this didn't work for you. I think your best bet for an answer is to contact SAS Tech Support, because they can walk you through the steps to verify your configuration and installation of the Information Delivery Portal -- check repositories, check SP registration, etc.
To find out how to contact SAS Technical Support, refer to:
Good luck,