This may be a question for Tech Support. The TABLEEDITOR tagset template uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In the documentation for the TABLEEDITOR template, it says that the tagset currently supports Internet Explorer ONLY.
It is likely that this tagset template MAY work in SOME OF the client applications, but there's no guarantee that the more advanced bells and whistles in TAGSETS.TABLEEDITOR will work in the BI client applications when invoked as a stored process. It really depends on whether the JavaScript needed for your particular set of options will work in the BI client applications.
Remember that your tagset templates cannot live in a library on your local machine -- they must be in a template store on the server machine (such as the application server that services SASMain, the application server context on my configuration, which is the server for Logical Stored Process Server requests).
This is the SP that I tested (after I made sure that tagsets.tableeditor was in a library location on my server). The path shown in my LIBNAME statement is on the server where the SAS stored process will execute. (I suppose you could always run the tagset code in-stream to a WORK location, but that seems to defeat the purpose of a template store):[pre]
** 1) run a batch job on server machine with code to write tagsets.tableeditor;
** to a location on the server;
libname mytmpl 'C:\SAS\BIArchitecture\Lev1\SASMain\SASEnvironment\Templat';
ods path (prepend) mytmpl.templat(update);
%let _odsdest=tagsets.tableeditor;
%let _odsoptions=options(banner_color_even="blue" banner_color_odd="pink");
proc print data=sashelp.class;
proc freq data=sashelp.shoes;
tables region;
When I ran this simple SP that used the tagsets.tableeditor template, these were my results:
EG -- did get alternating colored rows (verify result type is HTML)
Word -- did get alternating colored rows (verify result type is HTML)
Excel -- did get alternating colored rows (verify result type is HTML)
PPT -- got error message that results are in a format that cannot be displayed by the SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office.
Web Report Studio -- did not get ANY output
Info Delivery Portal -- did get alternating colored rows (default result type is HTML)
Tech Support can help you figure out what your server configuration is and the correct libname statement for your stored process. They can also help you with the code needed to create a tagset template store on that machine.
Good luck!