I am trying to load an article which is stored as encoded html. So basicly this line:
<p>Hello world ; : ' " ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) </p>
is stored as %3Cb%3EHello%20world!%20%3B%20%26%20%40%20'%3Cb%3E%0A
Using proc stream and proc sql I can retrieve the data. Now my problem is decoding the content. Obviously, I looked into HTMLDECODE
However I am having trouble getting it to work in combination with Proc stream. Here is how I retrieve it
%let GetContent =%sysfunc(dosubl(
proc sql noprint;
select M.content into :article SEPARATED by ''
from BE_TEMP.BI_ARTICLE M where M.id eq 12;
%let newArticle = htmldecode(&article)
Can anyone spot the problem?