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Calcite | Level 5

I want to import the excel data into SAS Studio University Edition (Online).


I was trying to upload the excel file but i could not find the "Tab" that says " Server files and folders" ... so i cannot create the folder and upload the file. Later, i searched over youtube and find that this is missing. (Enclosed is picture, on the left is my SAS Studio & on the right is the missing tab, that i could not bring back)


If anyone could please guide me how to bring back that tab. 


I am sorry to ask some basic question, but i am unable to figure out the soluction. I shall be thankful to you for your kind reply

Super User

Have you tried restarting your VM? 


Is this a new or older installation? 


Can you show rhe full browser window, including the bottom?  make sure zoom is set to 0, so that you see the full menu.