I would expect the location to be in the outputs for the primary deployment. The outputs for azure are a bit hidden by the Portal Design. The primary deployment will likely either be called "azuredeploy" (if done by command line) or "Microsoft.Template" (if done by Portal GUI). You can find this by going to the resource group page in the azure portal that the deployment was made into and selecting the deployments tab (the primary deployment is at the bottom circled in the hard to read blue in this image):

Once here, click on the primary deployment and it will take you to details about the deployment. Then on the left panel is a tab called outputs, and that should show the links associated with the SASStudio and SASDrive:

If neither of these URLs is working, then it might be an issue with the firewall for the application gateway. In that case, I would check that the security group "PrimaryViyaLoadbalancer_NetworkSecurityGroup" has an opening for port 443 and your ip address range.