we have grid 9.4 environment with arround more than 10 servers/nodes + many different applications and wanted to get server inventory - can someone please tell what is best method or practice to get all details? any sas tool to use?
Hello @woo,
the inventory question is a bit generic to me. What items do you want reported in the inventory? Servers? Services? Metadata objects? There are many kind of items that I can imagine that can be reported.
Some examples:
- APM/ACM included in EMI (Extended Monitoring for the SAS environment manager), provide many stored process that are capable of creating an inventory of some of the items on your deployment.
- Metacoda: excellent tool to create an inventory/report of your metadata and its authorizations.
- Nodes/resources: if you got grid, LSF/GRID should be able to report you also its compute tier resources (lshosts, bhosts, etc).
- Other 3rd party tools can help you to report/inventory other items, such as your network settings, hardware.
Well, that is another bit of general question. For Linux commands I recommend you to search in google for something like "Top 10 Linux commands". You will get really good insights.
For SAS, you can always go to each SAS Config folder (LevN) and type ./sas.servers status . This will give you the SAS services.
Also, if you have Grid or Hadoop configurations, you can launch your system commands to all your machines included in that deployment. Commands as hostname >> /my_share/myhosts.txt can facilitate you to get the lists of your hosts with a single execution of commands.
Type ‘ps –ef | grep <LSF_TOP>’ and make sure all daemons are running.
mbatchd and mschd only run on the master machine so they may not show
For the Process Manager, the same: ‘ps –ef | grep <JS_TOP>’ should do the trick 🙂
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