I have SAS Intelligence platform working on Windows Environment. I want to set my sas app server's session encoding to UTF16 using sasv9_usermods.cfg file.
here what I have tried
1. Add following system option to SASConfig/Lev1/SASApp/sasv9_usermods.cfg. and this did not work.
error message
[Error] The launch of the server process failed because of an invalid or inaccessible CONFIG file.
2. Add following system option to SASConfig/Lev1/SASApp/sasv9_usermods.cfg. and this worked properly.
-ENCODING shift-jis
my environment local is ja_JP and DFLANG is Japanses. DBCS option is specified. I suspect this cause combination mismatch of local and encoding and other system option. but unfortunately I did not figure out which system option is wrong. Please anyone give me advice.