I would like to know if there is a command line or command line utility to remove job flows from Schedule Manager in SAS Management Console. I have tried jremove and found that it only removes the flow defination from process manager but not the flow from SMC.Please suggest.
Have you tried just deleting it in SMC? If you have already removed the job flow from Platform Process Manager, then only the metadata definition of the job is left.
Like you said, the jremove command will remove the flow from PPM but doesn't remove the flow from SMC(metadata definition). I would like to know if there is a way to use any command line to remove the metadata definition?
@Kushalkmr714 - I'm just curious to know why you prefer a command-line solution like @gwootton 's rather then simply just deleting inside SAS Management Console? IMO the SMC delete is more efficient.
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