Can you create a metadata bound library from an existing library, and if so, how?
Given that you do have the permissions set, could you try and create a new lib under /system/secured libraries in the FOLDERS tab, and point that to the same folder you pointed your "regular" metadata lib, created in the lib manager?
Then all you would have to do it protect it with a pwd.
Your permissions with RM and WM are sufficiant for bounding.
- OS data has to be ready/available, which it should be, given that you created the lib metadata object.
- your permissions are already set correctly with RM and WM
- in the /system/secured libraries (FOLDERS tab), you create the new lib by pointing to the same path that's being assigned to the lib created in Lib Manager
- assign a pwd
that creates your bound lib.
One thing I'd like to mention when you create a bound lib:
if you start with creating a metadata object in the lib manager, and use - for example - the sasdemo account (external restricted account), and then afterwards try to create a bound lib in the SAS Folders, you'll run into a permission error.
This happens because the metadata server cashed your credentials. To fix this, go to FILE, CLEAR CREDENTIALS CASH.
Does that answer your question, does that help?
Hi there,
Metadata-Bound libraries can either be created via SASMC, or via code.
Please take a look at
for further info
When creating Metadata-bound libraries, it is also important to make sure permissions are in place:
Please let me know if this helps
Hi .. sorry .. i hit POST too quickly .. your question was whether you can create a metadata bound lib with a lib already existing.
You can use PROC AUTHLIB and bind the lib name that you created in SASMC
And I failed to mention that I had not created a "Secured Folder" location(the datasets currently reside in "plain" metadata folders - is this still necessary/desirable?
do you have permissions set up on your metadata lib and the SAS folders?
In order for this to work, you'd have to set up permissions to the folders first (lib has to be accessable as well).
Once this is set, the metadata-bound lib can be set up.
What are the permissions right now on the folders? Is it using the default that's coming from SASUSERS set in
the DefaultACT?
Hi, Anja. Yes. right now I have access restricted to the subset of users (and DENY for SASUSERS and PUBLIC) for the "plain" metadata folders in question. The end users just have "Read Metadata" and "Read" through use of an ACT.
Hope this helps,
Given that you do have the permissions set, could you try and create a new lib under /system/secured libraries in the FOLDERS tab, and point that to the same folder you pointed your "regular" metadata lib, created in the lib manager?
Then all you would have to do it protect it with a pwd.
Your permissions with RM and WM are sufficiant for bounding.
- OS data has to be ready/available, which it should be, given that you created the lib metadata object.
- your permissions are already set correctly with RM and WM
- in the /system/secured libraries (FOLDERS tab), you create the new lib by pointing to the same path that's being assigned to the lib created in Lib Manager
- assign a pwd
that creates your bound lib.
One thing I'd like to mention when you create a bound lib:
if you start with creating a metadata object in the lib manager, and use - for example - the sasdemo account (external restricted account), and then afterwards try to create a bound lib in the SAS Folders, you'll run into a permission error.
This happens because the metadata server cashed your credentials. To fix this, go to FILE, CLEAR CREDENTIALS CASH.
Does that answer your question, does that help?
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