I'm trying to connect two SAS environments using SAS/Share but when I define library in client I got the following error
[5:21 PM] Esterlin Polanco
28 LIBNAME FMQUERY REMOTE HOSTNAME="bppr-fmsrv-01" Server=__8551 slibref=FMQueryL;
ERROR: Attempt to connect to server "bppr-fmsrv-01".__8551 failed.
ERROR: A communication subsystem partner link setup request failure has occurred.
ERROR: Communication request rejected by partner: security verification failure.
ERROR: Communication request rejected by partner: security verification failure.
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
any ideas? I found this note https://rawsas.com/sasshare-error-invalid-object-specifi/ and some support notes, but them do not help