Does anyone have experience with configuring LASR Analytic Server Access Tools ?
We are trying to configure SAS LASR Analytic Server Access Tools for pushing SAS datasets (from our BI-server) to SAS Visual Analytics. We have found some information on the internet: http://support.sas.com/kb/56/996.html
Unfortunately configuring ssh keys is not entirely clear to us. Our both environments are installed on Linux and we are using sastoken.
Should we configure ssh keys under sastoken or lasradm ?
Does anyone have a clear instuction for configuring ssh keys on both environments ?
Thanks in advance.
If you added META options, that explains why your program wasn't worked before. You weren't able to connect to the LASR Authorization Service. In any way, SSH keys are always required.
That SAS note is a little confusing. It says that it only works for SAS 9.4M3 or later on Linux then proceeds to show configuring SSH on Windows! Maybe a track to SAS Support is your best bet.
FYI if you are moving data between normal SAS servers and SAS VA server then SAS/CONNECT is another great option if you have it installed on both systems.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, we don't have SAS Connect on our SAS VA server.
I will inform SAS Technical Support about this SAS note.
Hi @sergie89
Follow the instructions in either of these two links
SSH Passwordless Login Using SSH Keygen in 5 Easy Steps
How to setup passwordless SSH login in Linux
Just make sure you use to the lasradm Linux account on both hosts (EBI Compute Server + LASR Server). This SSH passwordless login can be used for ssh or scp or anything that needs SSH secure access without password
For folks with Windows & Linux Serves Mixtures, this link might be of help LINUX: PASSWORDLESS SSH LOGIN USING PRIVATE KEYS
Hope this helps,
Hi @AhmedAl_Attar,
Thanks for the clear instructions. I have configured the ssh keys in the right way on the bot environments now.
I can assign Lasr libraries from our EBI environment now. But when I will copy data to a Lasr library I get the following error:
"ERROR: An I/O error has occurred on file LASRLIB.AARFM.DATA".
Hi @sergie89,
Not sure what's your access level within your EBI Environment, but I hope some of the tips in this SAS Global Forum 2018 paper "A Quick Guide for your Data Load Problems in SAS Visual Analytics" could help you.
From your error message, it looks like the a Permission Issues. But you'll need to work with your SAS Administrator and examine the various server logs and verify Metadata Folder permissions.
Good luck,
That error indicates the problem with passwordless SSH. Are you on RHEL? If yes, what version?
Hi @alexal,
We are using version 4.4.7. See below:
Linux version 2.6.32-696.23.1.el6.x86_64 (mockbuild@x86-027.build.eng.bos.redhat.com) (gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-18) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Sat Feb 10 11:10:31 EST 2018
I have checked the permission of the signature file(s) today. See below:
Path: /apps/sas/config/Lev1/AppData/SASVisualAnalytics/VisualAnalyticsAdministrator/sigfiles
drwxrwxr-x 2 lasradm sasusers 192512 Apr 23 11:33 _T_69E465A3_7FFE47D77980
The permission for signature files looks fine.
Hi @alexal,
Thank you for your reply. I use the following SAS code on our SAS EBI environment. But without success. Is the code below correctly defined?
options set=GRIDRSHCOMMAND="'/home/lasradm/.ssh/id_rsa' -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no";
libname LASRLIB sasiola host="hostname" port=10031
/* load sashelp.zipcode to LASR */
data LASRLIB.aarfm;
set sashelp.aarfm;
Is the code below correctly defined?
Nope. Please see instructions in this SAS note: http://support.sas.com/kb/60/126.html
Hi @alexal,
This is what we have done yet:
options set=GRIDRSHCOMMAND="'/home/lasradm/.ssh/id_rsa' -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no";
libname LASRLIB sasiola host="vacmp1.sas-p.int-data.rws.local" port=10031
/* load sashelp.zipcode to LASR */
data LASRLIB.aarfm;
set sashelp.aarfm;
But unfortunately we get the same error after running the SAS code 😞 I will ask SAS Technical for support.
Your GRIDRSHCOMMAND is invalid. You have to point it to an external ssh client, such as /bin/ssh if you are on Linux. Have you had a chance to check the SAS note a mentioned above? I'm from SAS Technical Support and I support SAS LASR and many other software components.
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