Hi Everyone,
I'm interested to know how you have configured the SAS Deployment agent when you have a single compute tier hosting multiple levs but separate metadata and mid tier hosts for each lev. Essentially what I'm seeing is that the most recent lev configuration on the compute tier has altered the Deployment Agent and Remote Deployment Agent keystores and passwords on the compute tier causing the SAS Backup Manager to fail with the other levs.
I've tried using the the Deployment Wizard to manage the agent communication however this is failing to resolve the issue on the older levs. The steps I've performed have been;
1. Run the deployment wizard to set communication options for the new lev.
2. Log onto to the metadata and mid tier hosts for the new lev and download the client and trust store config for each host.
3. From the compute tier upload deployment agent config to each other lev's metadata.
4. From the metadata and mid tier hosts for the other levs download the client and trust store config to each host.
The other levs had backups operating successfully prior to the new lev install and config so it must be possible. Do I need to create my own keystore files? Any help is appreciated.