Our SAS EG is migrating from 4.3 to 7.12, and our SAS Version is migrating from 9.2 to 9.4
We have license only for the below items, as per our license.
Base SAS Software
SAS Integration Technologies
SAS/Secure 168-bit
SAS/Secure Windows
SAS Enterprise Guide
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2
SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files
SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC
SAS/ACCESS Interface to OLE DB
SAS Workspace Server for Local Access
High Performance Suite
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Excel
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Outlook
SAS Add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Word
As a newbie in Admin, I need to select the capabilities of EG, only as per our license.
Which capabilitis can I select for user, in Management Console. Please advise.