I am using SAS Grid 9.4M1 and trying to undertand why in some processes submited does not create time.end and log file in SASGSUB directory.
In other cases, theses files were generated normally, without any error.
. /produtos/sas94/sasbin/lsf/conf/profile.lsf
/produtos/sas94/config/compute/Lev1/Applications/SASGridManagerClientUtility/9.4/sasgsub -GRIDJOBOPTS queue=Batch -GRIDSUBMITPGM /produtos/sas94/depot/worktmp/pgm.sas
-GRIDWORK /produtos/sas94/depot/worktmp/validacao/ -GRIDSASOPTS "(-work /produtos/sas94/depot/worktmp/validacao)" -GRIDWAIT -verbose
Verbose result:
DEBUG:tkegsub.getGridInfoFromMetadata: Enter
DEBUG:tkegsub.getGridInfoFromMetadata: numOptSets=0
DEBUG:tkegsub.getGridInfoFromMetadata: Exit, status=0x0
DEBUG:setupJobInfoForBatch: Enter
DEBUG:tkegsub.setupJobInfoForLaunch: Copying "/produtos/sas94/depot/worktmp/pgm.sas" to "/produtos/sas94/depot/worktmp/validacao//aplpbatch/SASGSUB-2016-07-28_01.08.01.762_pgm/pgm.sas".
DEBUG:setupJobInfoForBatch: Exit, status=0x0
Job <263114> is submitted to queue <Batch>.
Job ID: 263114
DEBUG:tkegsub.writeJobInfo: Enter, fileName=job.id.263114
DEBUG:tkegsub.writeJobInfo: writing out (100) /produtos/sas94/depot/worktmp/validacao//aplpbatch/SASGSUB-2016-07-28_01.08.01.762_pgm/job.id.263114
DEBUG:tkegsub.writeJobInfo: Exit, status=0x0
Job directory: "/produtos/sas94/depot/worktmp/validacao/aplpbatch/SASGSUB-2016-07-28_01.08.01.762_pgm"
Job log file: "/produtos/sas94/depot/worktmp/validacao/aplpbatch/SASGSUB-2016-07-28_01.08.01.762_pgm/pgm.log"
DEBUG:tkegsub.waitForJobToComplete: Enter, jobID=263114, getResults=0
Waiting for grid job to complete...
TRACE:tkegsub.waitForJobToComplete: waiting on poll (5000) or kill sasgsub event=0x7f35f6e7a7d0
TRACE:tkegsub.waitForJobToComplete: wait status=0x803fc006
TRACE:tkegsub.waitForJobToComplete: waiting on poll (5000) or kill sasgsub event=0x7f35f6e7a7d0
TRACE:tkegsub.waitForJobToComplete: wait status=0x803fc006
TRACE:tkegsub.waitForJobToComplete: waiting on poll (5000) or kill sasgsub event=0x7f35f6e7a7d0
TRACE:tkegsub.waitForJobToComplete: wait status=0x803fc006
Grid job complete.
DEBUG:tkegsub.waitForJobToComplete: Exit, status=0x0
DEBUG:tkegsub.runSAS: Exit, status=0x0
DEBUG:The application exit event was posted. sasgsub is exiting.
Hi Guilherme
I have the same problem.
If I hope to find the solution soon.
see ya
Was this issue fixed by any chance?
Thanks for your response ccbucci.
We are facing the same issue and we don't have a resolution yet. 😞
SAS Tech Support should be your next option if you don't get an answer in the community.
But perhaps this SAS note is relevant: http://support.sas.com/kb/55/864.html
What SAS version are you using? The above issue is fixed in 9.4M3.
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