Hello All,
From couple of months, I'm noticing SAS lifecyle listener (https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/bicdc/9.4/bimtag/n1kkie5kr3jqpmn1ob02kjn2ldjq.htm ) are not working for both operating systems Linux and Windows.
Is there a specific reason? I did research on internet but did not find any relevant information yet.
It appears that feature is not implemented by default so it is quite possible it is not widely used. I'd suggest raising a track with SAS Tech Support in this issue. It's entirely possible that some site-specific issue could be causing this so Tech Support is your best bet. What "new SAS release" are you referring to? The doc says this feature was first implemented in SAS 9.4M2.
I'm referring to SAS maintenance release M7 and ship event 940_22w08 and onwards
Hi gwootton, thank you for your reply.
Yes I did check SAS-configuration-directory\Levn\Web\WebAppServer\SASServern_m\conf\startup.prerequisities file these are the values in it
# Prerequisite Servers
# timeouts are in seconds. cluster members have identical descriptions.
# host port timeout description
sas.abc.local 41415 60 SAS Cache Locator
sas.abc.local 9432 60 The database server for SharedServices
sas.abc.local 61616 60 SAS JMS Broker
sas.abc.local 7980 60 SAS Web Server
And yes I did add below lines for SAS lifecycle listener in SAS-configuration-directory\Levn\Web\WebAppServer\SASServern_m\conf\server.xml files
<Listener className="com.sas.vfabrictcsvr.atomikos.AtomikosLifecycleListener"/>
<Listener className="com.sas.vfabrictcsvr.startup.PrerequisiteServerListener"/>
In saswrapper.log file that is located under this directory <DriveLetter>\SAS\Config\Lev1\Web\WebAppServer\SASServerX_X\logs
I noticed these values in saswrapper.log file:
Configured prerequisite servers:
:# Prerequisite Servers
:# timeouts are in seconds. cluster members have identical descriptions.
:# host port timeout description
:sas.abc.local 41415 60 SAS Cache Locator
:sas.abc.local 9432 60 The database server for SharedServices
:sas.abc.local 61616 60 SAS JMS Broker
:sas.abc.local 7980 60 SAS Web Server
Begin server prerequisite checking at Tue May 10 13:21:51 EDT 2022
Prerequisite server status at Tue May 10 13:21:51 EDT 2022:
SAS Web Server is listening on port 7980 on sas.abc.local
SAS Cache Locator is listening on port 41415 on sas.abc.local
SAS JMS Broker is not ready on port 61616 on sas.abc.local
The database server for SharedServices is listening on port 9432 on sas.abc.local
And after reboot Windows server SASServerX_X services are not running.
SAS TS responded and said that issue will be resolved in new SAS maintenance release M8.
But I need to test it and will update you as soon as possible.
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