Dear All,
I have SAS Viya 3.5 installed in multi-tenant environment (1.micro services, 2.cas server) in RHEL 7.9 and license got expired. Received new license renewal and followed the steps to renew the license.
- Taken backup for current license files into a backup location.
- copy new license files (a .txt file and a .jwt file) in "/opt/sas/sas_viya_playbook/" location.
- Taken backup for vars.yml file
- Modified Ansible playbook to point to the new license files in sas_viya_playbook/vars.yml, locate LICENSE_FILENAME and LICENSE_COMPOSITE_FILENAME, and replace the current license filename with the corresponding new license filename.
- Make sure that license files (a .txt file and a .jwt file) reside on your CAS controller machine in the following directory: /opt/sas/viya/config/etc/cas/default/.
- Update the symbolic link for sas_license.txt to point to the new CAS license file. (This should be the .jwt file.
cd /opt/sas/viya/config/etc/cas/default
ln -sf SASViyaV0300_xxxxxxx_xxxxxx_Linux_x86-64.jwt sas_license.txt
7. Run the following command under the path using sas user /opt/sas/sas_viya_playbook/
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini apply-license.yml
Did i missed any steps before running apply-license command.
After running this command I am getting the following errors.
TASK [create-snapshot : Copy system information to the snapshot directory] ************************************************************************************
[WARNING]: sftp transfer mechanism failed on []. Use ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1 to see detailed information
[WARNING]: scp transfer mechanism failed on []. Use ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1 to see detailed information
fatal: [casserver]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "checksum": "c515bc4bb8bdf51b6c947b5f22f4ca9061d81745", "dest": "/opt/sas/sas_viya_playbook/snapshot/16467177 77/casserver.out", "file": "/tmp/casserver.out", "md5sum": "784418cee27fa1f0bb1a0eb5fe12cbdd", "msg": "checksum mismatch", "remote_checksum": "2785712f1b0877e6 dcba1dc475f4505d91cb565c", "remote_md5sum": null}
changed: [microservices]
NO MORE HOSTS LEFT ********************************************************************************************************************************************
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
casserver : ok=15 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=5 rescued=0 ignored=0
microservices : ok=24 changed=6 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=7 rescued=0 ignored=0