Hello Guys,
I have SAS VA 7.3 installed on windows server.
When I'm trying to import data to Report Designer, Data preparation or Data explorer I'm having the issue with following message:
"Stateful service processing was unable to find an object matching the passed id: scopedTarger.sas.svcs.statefulServicesHolder03053ae0-a1cd-41c9-9c4e-15v5a1fc9b80. It is likely the backing session timed out or was otherwise destroyed. Or the object was previously deleted by the client." or as seen below.
When i cancel this action and try it again it usually works and I'm able to import. Sometimes it take about 6 of this cancellation processes to be able to import data.
I have recently applied hotfix V90010 and W71006, which didn't helped at all.
i would appreciate and hits and advice.
Thanks in advance