I'm setting up our Add-In for MS Office installer, and want to deploy with a shared profile (the SDSControl.xml that we use from EG). It looks like it's possible to do that - but the documentation is shared between EG and the AMO ("The SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office clients update their profile (manually or automatically) from a shared profile stored in a central location"), and only mentions EG in the actual instructions.
Can I put the SDSControl.xml file in the Add-in for MS Office product folder, or does it go in a (not extant) Enterprise Guide folder in the depot ( \\depot-host\Depot_date_type\products\eguide__release_cd915__win__en__sp0__1) or somewhere else? And if it is in the EG depot, does it matter what release I pick?
Or is this not possible for the add-in - or does it need to be somewhere else?