The 2024 Nebraska SAS Users Group (NEBSUG) will be hosting its One-Day SAS Conference on Tuesday, May 14th at the Thompson Alumni Center at the University of Nebraska Omaha.
Registration is free - please tell your friends and colleagues! There will be something for both new and experienced SAS users. Basic details are below - for more information, including presentation titles, click on the registration link.
What: The 2024 Nebraska SAS User Group One-Day Conference
When: Tuesday, May 14th from 8:50 am - 4:00 pm (check-in starts at 8:00 am)
Where: University of Nebraska Omaha Thompson Alumni Center, right off 67th and Dodge
Format: In-person or Virtual (only some of the presentations will be available virtually)
Cost: Free!
Online Registration:
Come spend a day with fellow SAS programmers to network and learn from some of the best and brightest.