Hi Folks,
We are setting our first Oracle connection using wallets. We have SAS 9.4 M6 installed on Linux and we have Oracle 12c client installed too.
We copy the wallet folder (includes sqlnet.ora, tnsname.ora, etc files inside) on a new directory. This folder has 400 permission for "sas" user. We also add on out TNS_ADMIN environment variable, inside sasenv_local file the wallet directory and restarted the SAS services.
But when we tried to connect the following error appears:
ERROR: ORACLE connection error: ORA-28759: failure to open file.
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
Any suggestions?
Remotely logon to your SAS server and try to open tnsnames.ora manually using the same userid you are testing your Oracle connection with. If it fails it is a simple OS file permission issue.
Hi @SASKiwi ,
Thanks! I logon on our SAS server and I open the tnsnames.ora without any problem. The error is the same:
ERROR: ORACLE connection error: ORA-28759: failure to open file.
I checked and the tnsnames.ora permissions, on wallet folder, are the same of the tnsnames.ora used for regular Oracle connections.
Any other idea?
I googled the Oracle error and came up with links like this: https://community.oracle.com/thread/2317808?start=0&tstart=0
I suggest you also google this and work through the suggestions to see if they help. This is an Oracle only problem.
Thanks @SASKiwi . So, in SAS Server the only actions are:
- copy wallet folder;
- include wallet folder in TNS_ADMIN environment variable
And the connect the same way as regular Oracle connections. That's correct?
@MariaD - Sounds reasonable. Your Oracle Administrator should be able to advise you on this.
At our site (Windows, not Linux), we don't use USER= or PASSWORD=:
LIBNAME TEST ORACLE PATH=path_defined_wallet_tns /*schema=user*/;
This might help with the Error in LIBNAME statement.
We ran into an issue when updating the file because the permissions changed. We had to ensure that "Authenticated Users" were allowed "Read" and "Read/Execute" to the file.
Hi @jwatson ,
I try commented user and password options but the same error occurs. I copied the wallet folder to our SAS server. The wallet folder is set with 500 permission for "sas" user. The sqlnet.ora file, inside wallet folder, has the correct directory for the wallet. I also included the wallet path to TNS_ADMIN environment variable, inside sasenv_local file and I restarted the sas services too.
Do you know if I missing something?
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