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Calcite | Level 5

If a user right clicks and says on a sas file "Open with SAS 9.2" and tries to run some SAS code, it fails with:

ERROR: The SAS/ACCESS Interface to ORACLE cannot be loaded.

ERROR: Image SASORA found but not loadable. 

ERROR: A Connection to the oracle DBMS is not currently supported, or is not installed at your site.

But if the same user opens SAS directly, chooses File --> Open --> ""  it runs.

Quartz | Level 8

Might help if you show the code....

Rhodochrosite | Level 12

Sounds like an installation issue.  I am assuming that you are using windows.  You need to look at the call that windows runs to see the differences.  Tech support can walk you through this.

In XP, one "my computer" and select tools --> file options --> sas

then Advanced and single click on 'open with SAS 9.2' and edit to see the call for the open.

You can do a similar thing with however you initially execute SAS in the second scenario.

My guess is that it is picking up different configuration files.

SAS Employee

You need to have the Oracle Client software installed on the machine that you are trying to use to access the DMBS from through SAS.  If SAS cannot find these binaries it will not work.  Also you need to make sure that the machine has knowledge of the proper tnsping information.

Calcite | Level 5

I am having similar problem. I can't connect to oracle database 11g xe edition from SAS. With this version of oracle, do we need to install oracle client as well?


Oracle's SQL*Net software needs to be installed on the same machine you are running SAS on.

Calcite | Level 5

Thanks for the response. I just discovered I am using 32-bit version of SAS? Does it matter? Could that be a problem why I was unable to connect to oracle?


I suspect the bitness of SAS and the Oracle client software should match. The other thing is ensuring that SQL PLus is working correctly before trying SAS.

Calcite | Level 5

my command sqlplus works perfectly. Could you please send me the link to download SQL *NET software?


I suggest you talk to your Oracle DBA to source the correct software - I'm assuming here you are connecting to a remote Oracle database.

Calcite | Level 5
I am not connecting to remote oracle database. I have both Oracle 11g database XE and 32-bit SAS 9.4 installed on a single system running window 10 64-bit Operating system.

OK, in that case please post the SAS log of the program you are using to test a connection to Oracle, including any notes and errors.

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