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Fluorite | Level 6

My issue sounds like a catch 22.  My SAS user is trying to link from MS Access to a SAS dataset.  Currently, the SAS ODBC drivers are only installed on the SAS servers---where MS Access is not installed.  Is there a way for the local PC to access the SAS drivers installed on the SAS server through the ODBC Data Source Administrator?  Is it possible to download and install the SAS ODBC drivers on the SAS user's PC?  Thanks!



Super User

@whileman wrote:

 Is it possible to download and install the SAS ODBC drivers on the SAS user's PC?  Thanks!


Yes, this is possible:

Fluorite | Level 6

thanks so much reeza.  ended up downloading both the 32-bit and 64-bit, after the 64-bit resulted in a ODBC - call failed.  Get the same error with the 32-bit ODBC driver anyway:  [Microsoft]{ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed IM006 0 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed (#0).  Any ideas? 

Super User

I'd probably contact SAS tech support. 

But what bitness is SAS and what is MSAccess? Are they the same or different? If different you may need PC FILE SERVER but not sure how that works with ODBC. 

Fluorite | Level 6

You must've been reading my mind.  Just submitted track. EG and MSAccess are both 32-bit to avoid the need for PC File Server or at least that's how I understand it. Will let you know what TS tells me.  Thanks again for your assistance...wayne 

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