A SAS Enterprise Miner project consists of two pieces:
1. Metadata object pointers (one pointer on the Plug-ins tab and one pointer in the Folders tab in SAS Management Console )
2. The physical file system
If the metadata pointers still exist, just replace the corrupted project files with the backup files in the same location. You will have lost any work done between the backup files and where the project became corrupted.
It should be seamless after that, and you would just do the "Open" project.
The two metadata pointers can be found in SAS Management Console.
The first metadata pointer in SAS Management Console -> Expand Application managements -> Expand Enterprise Miner -> Expand Projects -> highlight the appropriate workspace server. You will see the projects listed in the right pane.
In that pane, you will see the Physical File location for the project. You want to be sure that the project files are restored to that location.
If the metadata pointers were also deleted (which is not expected), you would need to recreate them using "New" Project dialog. When creating the "New" project, give it the exact same name, case sensitive, as the old project and point to the project file location n the server. You should get a popup message that says "The selected project exists on the filesystem......Do you want to continue". If you don't get that message than something is wrong, either the name, case sensitive or the project path. If you get the message, click OK until Finish. This procedure is documented in the SAS® Enterprise Miner™ 14.3: Administration and Configuration, under the section "Defining Migrated Projects in SAS Enterprise Miner" http://go.documentation.sas.com/?docsetId=emag&docsetTarget=p1n12gqnqxqkhln0zmv83ud7cyiw.htm&docsetV...
I hope this helps.
Kind regards, Linda