Question is how to force IWA from EG 8.x on Windows desktop to SAS 9.4M7 Metadata Server on Linux to automatically append the domain name to the account name (user name)?
Currently, when an end user opens up EG and selects to use the IWA option to connect to the Metadata Server, the username that SAS Metadata Server looks up is “username” whereas we want the SAS Metadata Server to lookup “username@domain” or "domain\username" in the list of accounts it maintains for proper identification of the end user.
Anyone has any idea if this is doable and how to accomplish?
What problem are you trying to solve? Do you have multiple users with the same userid and different domains, or a userid perhaps specified under a different authentication domain that should not be considered for authentication?
The documentation mentions using SASUSEKERBNAME when you have different users with the same user ID under different domains.
Thanks for replying. It is a complicated setup - don't want to bother you with the details.
The SASUSEKERBNAME option you mentioned ... will that work with SAS Metadata Server on Linux (as in this case)? Is this variable set up on the EG client?
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