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Fluorite | Level 6 cwl
Fluorite | Level 6

on the command line I issue the following command:


.../sas94/SASPlatformObjectFramework/9.4/ExportPackage \ -profile "lev1_sasadm" -package "STPs.spk" \ -objects "/TEST(Folder)" \ -subprop -includeEmptyFolders


The following error message appears:




INFO  ******** Exporting Metadata ******** INFO  Metadata exported successfully.

INFO  ******** Exporting Content ******** INFO  Exporting content for Stored process objects.

INFO  Stored process "/TEST/Test"

Test" (A53BL6DE.BH00000V) ERROR A connection could not be opened to the server "KRE".  Reason:

Connection failed because of invalid credentials.


The StoredProcess server validation is succesfull.


Any ideas?




SAS Employee

KRE sounds like it is probably the name of what is called your Application Server Context. Stored Processes can be designed to run on a Stored Process Server or a Workspace Server. Make sure all Server objects under KRE validate using the same credentials/account running the export package command. 

Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

I'd assume that a workspace server (owned by the user you're authenticating as) is what's actually used for reading the filesystem-based files that store the STP code you're trying to package up, rather than a STP multibridge session (owned by ie. sassrv). This means that the identity you authenticate with for the export must have sufficient credentials registered to start up a workspace server session with the OS, similar to what it'd do in EG.


Are you authenticating with an @saspw account? If so, is it capable of spinning up a session at the operating system level?

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