Having the metadata server and middle tier configured on on machine/host is fine. However, if are deploying anything but a single machine/tier topology, i.e. all products configured into one configuration directory, then you will need to ensure the middle tier components are placed in their own configuration directory. This directory is distinct from the metadata tier. Here is a configuration directory example:
Meta/Middle Host (metadata tier): /opt/sas/config/meta/Lev1
Compute Host 1: /opt/sas/config/Lev1
Compute Host 2: /opt/sas/config/Lev1
Meta/Middle Host (middle tier): /opt/sas/config/midtier/Lev1
Note: Compute Host 1 and 2 configuration directories must be distinct, not shared across the two machines.
The reason you need to do this is that when you update/apply maintenance you are supposed to update in this order: Metadata, Compute(s), Middle tier(s). If metadata and middle are in the same configuration then your updates would be: Metadata+Middle tier (in one pass), Compute(s). This will cause failures and will result in a deployment that cannot be managed in a supportable way.
You mention the planning application, which would imply you're a partner. Please refer to the Help where you'll find the Planning App Guide where you'll find this topic and other plan-specific topology requirements discussed. Here's the beginning of that section:
Deploying the metadata server and middle tier on the same machine
For deployments that include more than one machine, if you want to deploy the metadata server and middle tier on the same machine, you must put them on two separate machines in your plan file (one for metadata server, the other for the middle tier).
"Machines" in the planning application is synonymous with a tier, which is a configuration directory.
Regarding the binaries, you will want to share SASHome between the metadata and middle tier since they are on the same machine. When you perform future SAS Deployment Manager administration tasks it will find two configuration directories managed by this SASHome and you will be prompted to choose which configuration directory to act upon. For any task, except rebuilding and redeploying web applications, you will want to be certain to select to operate on the metadata tier's configuration directory first.
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