When sasgsub returns an RC=102, chances are that you are trying to run it with the -GRIDSASOPTS parameter to pass in values to the sas program that you're trying to execute.
Here is the correct syntax for that:
sasgsub -GRIDSUBMITPGM ~/test.sas -GRIDSASOPTS "(-sysparm "arg1")" -GRIDWAITRESULTS -GRIDWORK /sas/gridwork
Note the double quoting around the brackets then again around the actual argument.
You probably were trying to use a variation like one of the ones below, which do NOT work and will give you the sasgsub/lsf RC=102 exit code.
sasgsub -GRIDSUBMITPGM ~/test.sas -GRIDSASOPTS "(sysparm arg1)" -GRIDWAITRESULTS -GRIDWORK /sas/gridwork
sasgsub -GRIDSUBMITPGM ~/test.sas -GRIDSASOPTS 'sysparm arg1' -GRIDWAITRESULTS -GRIDWORK /sas/gridwork
sasgsub -GRIDSUBMITPGM ~/test.sas -GRIDSASOPTS "sysparm arg1" -GRIDWAITRESULTS -GRIDWORK /sas/gridwork