Manually setting up TLS involves lots of steps and there are several places where it could go wrong. We can provide some guidance in this forum, but for complex things like this, my recommendation would be to get some help from SAS Professional Services or a SAS Partner in your region (who have done this many times before).
You have changed the config and hopefully restarted the SAS Web Server so have a look in the recent log files in /opt/sas94m5/config/Lev1/Web/WebServer/logs to see if there are any obvious messages.
Is the SAS Web Server running and listening on the expected HTTPS port? You could check using:
netstat -lntp | grep 8343
If it is running, then I would inspect the certificates it is using the command:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect
... then Control-D to exit and inspect the response to make sure it is sending what you expect.
You should also check the various SAS Web App Server logs e.g.
- /opt/sas94m5/config/Lev1/Web/Logs/SASServer1_1
- /opt/sas94m5/config/Lev1/Web/WebAppServer/SASServer1_1/logs
... and see if there are any obvious recent error messages in those.
Those are a few things to start with. I hope it helps.