What I am trying to do is to create two different EG deployment profiles for our SAS users. We have two environments, Dev and Prod. All users will have access to Prod but only some will have access to Dev. After reading SAS document I was going to use “Create a Shared Profile Deployment with Automatic Updates” method to create a profile and place it in a central location where all SAS users have read access to.
But I noticed if I go this route then I am going to have a profile with two connections one for Dev and one for Prod and I am sure it is going to confuse users not having access to Dev.
Any suggestion’s/documents much appreciated.
thank you
Personally I'm hesitant to have shared things like profiles, since the network share where these are stores might not always be available, but that's just me.
From experience I've found that 98% of the analytics/reporting user base will only need access to one environment. The other 2% might need access to maybe two environments for things like UAT testing, etc. So in short, for each user to define a profile per environment has never been an issue. In the past I've created a one-pager PDF that shows step by step what to do and never had any comebacks.
Hi @L2Fly
If you're DEV and PROD are on two different hosts and ports, then you are going to have two profiles either way.
Please could you just eloaborate a bit more on your requirements.
Thank you @nhvdwalt for your reply.
Our dev environment and prod are on two different hosts but same port number. I found this document https://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/bidaag/69847/HTML/default/viewer.htm#p0yy6siuqppzmon1vf... in regards to what I like to do.
I will go through this document and will try it out. Have you done something like this before?
thanks again
Personally I'm hesitant to have shared things like profiles, since the network share where these are stores might not always be available, but that's just me.
From experience I've found that 98% of the analytics/reporting user base will only need access to one environment. The other 2% might need access to maybe two environments for things like UAT testing, etc. So in short, for each user to define a profile per environment has never been an issue. In the past I've created a one-pager PDF that shows step by step what to do and never had any comebacks.
Hi @nhvdwalt,
thanks so much for your info. In our environment everything depends on our network connection and for that reason we have a very good reliable setup here but I assume there are always a chance. thanks again for your info.
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