I want to know the data source (Tables/Datasets) for the Availability Dashboard inside SAS Environment Manager in SAS Viya 3.5 as want to write some custom program using these datasets.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you in advance.
Unlike the reports available from the SAS Environment Manager dashboard, the availability grid itself (i.e., the matrix of traffic lit boxes for the machines, services, and instances in your environment) is not based on a data table you can query. However, you can get the same (actually better in some ways) information programmatically using the sas-admin healthcheck CLI. See more information in the SAS Viya 3.5 Administration: Monitoring guide here.
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Thanks @Mark_sas for your reply, actually I am new in Viya and want to get an alert email whenever any sas services will be stopped on Viya server. any leads for this?
This is something you could do at the host level. For example a shell script that checks service status and sends an email if any are down scheduled in cron, or alert from systemd on Linux.
-- Greg Wootton | Principal Systems Technical Support Engineer
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