Hi Guys,
I am new to this concept.I created a stored process and placed it in management console.I want to run that stored process using web application
I want to create two web pages one for sas users who requires login and the other for all other user who can run sas jobs with out logging in.
There must be some changed need to be done in Management console,but i am not sure what to do
Your help will be appreciated!!!!
Hi Jason,
First one: You can deploy you stored process in Stored process portlet and run from SAS information delivery portal.
For Second: users who does not require login, for this you need to enable Unchallenged Portal Access(this helps in not providing the login screen for the users)
for more information about Unchallenged Portal Access (you need to read WEB application administration guide->Implementing Unchallenged Portal Access.
Hope this helps.
Hi Shivas,
Thanks for the reply .
I am not using any Information delivery portal or portal access.The one i am looking for is stored process SAS Stored Process Web Application.I want to know about initialization parameters and stuff
I read about the material
Applications Management ► Configuration Manager
Property Name: ShowLogButton Property Value: false
In my management console i log in as sasadm@saspw as unrestricted user but i don't see anything under Application management.
Can some one tell me why?
As you are not having IDP (the web parts) .... You are stating not installed/using.
Why should the SMC having something you don not have.
In reality it are the SAS metadatabase and additional javaclasses (smc as tool) being adjusted by the installationsteps.
Hey Jaap,
The workshop uses webanon aacount for anonymous access.In the documentation of Previous administrator for changing the password for webanon account i need to go to Application management and open Configuration Manager, right-click Stored Process Web App 9.3, and select Properties.
When i login using unrestricted user i don't see any thing?
Jason, Shivas did make a good description of the need to know the backgrounds of web environment.
All docs are here as index: SAS Intelligence Platform (9.3) Your qusiton is touching the deployment (installation) and configuration.
Some of the web-part are:
SAS(R) 9.3 Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide, Third Edition (adding content)\
SAS(R) 9.3 Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide, Third Edition (Using the SAS Anonymous Web User with SAS Authentication)
You see the remarks on the choice of deployment (sassetup) choices. That steps are filling up the metadata and adding
If you do not see anything, it could be
- the deployment of the installation is not complete either metdatadata records are missing or you are using an incomplete installation of the SMC.
- The way these kind of settings are maintained are changing every release of SAS. A workshop document and your current SAS version may differ.
Your original post/request is saying you should add a SP in an webenvironment.
If you have access to a full eductional SAS environment (Orion Star) go to the IDP.
The solutions are some pages further in the lessons guides of the workshop. If you do that at home or at an other location, the deployments/installations may be very different. Seen is 9.2 versus 9.3 but also think about your SMC installation.
Hi Jaap,
Thanks for the help
The Management console was not properly installed.I fixed that issue
When i am running the job from web page.It is showing the below error
A connection could not be obtained.
The user "SAS Anonymous Web User" could not log on to the server "Environment X" - Logical Workspace Server".
The application could not log on to the server "local server". The user ID "webanon@saspw" or the password is incorrect.
No host credentials exist to start server X - Workspace Server (A5AXT8RH.AV00000H). Either the client needs to send in host credentials, or credentials need to be specified for the server.
Previosuly they were using Guest user name and PAssword accounts.I deleted them.
I changed the password using sas deployment Manager for webanon account.
Please let me know what i am missing.
The use of sasguest is confusing. It was introduced to be an anomyous user. serving the server the login webpage.
At this web-page you have to make an autentication as no user is yet known. But this page has to be delivered by using a key.
34261 - The SAS Guest User's identity is required in metadata when you invoke the SAS® Information D...
You will find all of this back in java environment config files (ear/war) to be deployed to the JAVA part webcontainer of the webserver.
Changing this is a lot work.
So SASguest is no guest user... When you need to remove guest users as part of security policies this is to be explained.
SASguest and sasanonym are still mentioned wit 9.4 SAS(R) 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide
I am missing a dedicated key (Original sasguest) of the logonmanager (SAS(R) 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide
Looks the Original issue has been bypassed in an other way. Did have no chance to validate this.
The details of users and groups is still changing SAS(R) 9.4 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide (Overview of Initial Roles, Groups, and Users). SAS(R) 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide (Understanding Portal Authorization) all users are needing read and write access at the default ACT. This implies the need for a well designed security (ACT Acccess control templates) in the metadata.
The name "unchallenged access" SAS(R) 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide
SAS(R) 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide (Enabling Unchallenged Portal Access) is used for "guest" access (no login).
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