Hello SAS Admin Friends,
Do any of you have experience with configuring the SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP R/3 to work with SNC (specifically: running SAS on UNIX, but ANY experience at all with this would be helpful)?
Our interface was working fine when we did NOT have SNC enabled in the SAP environment, but now we have moved to SNC and are struggling to get it working for SAS. We've been dealing with this since February and really need to get it working, as a) this has taken way too long and b) SNC just went live in our SAP production environment so now our SAS access to the SAP data is hosed.
Here's where we're at with it:
- All other non-SAP environments have been successfully updated to work with SAP SNC, so we know the SAP configuration is correct.
- With assistance from SAS Tech Support and a SAS dev, we have recently managed to successfully execute a libname statement and data step against our SNC-enabled SAP/BW QA server, but... only when directly logged onto the server and running the statements from the SAS program editor.
- When we try to connect with a libname statement via the SAS desktop apps (EG, MC, DIS), we get errors.
- The first error was basically that SAS couldn't locate the sapnwrfc.ini file, which at the suggestion of SAS Tech Support was resolved by placing a copy of the ini file in the startup path used by the desktop applications (which for some unknown annoying reason is not the same as that used by SAS on the server itself). The need for this duplication does not seem to be documented anywhere.
- The current error is that now that SAS can locate the copy of the ini file, it still cannot acquire initiating credentials from the cred_v2 file (which we know is a valid and working file, because it works for SAS on the server).
- The error is still on the SAS side of the interface, as our SAP environment shows no attempts at connection as it should (and as it does when we run the libname statement directly on the SAS server).
- This is the current credentials error (server details snipped):
LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode
ERROR GSS-API(maj): No credentials were supplied
Could't acquire INITIATING credentials for
TIME Wed Aug 5 08:58:54 2020
COMPONENT SNC (Secure Network Communication)
VERSION 6RC -4MODULE /bas/753_REL/src/krn/snc/sncxxall.cLINE 1465DETAIL
SncPAcquireCredSYSTEM CALL gss_acquire_credCOUNTER 6
If you have worked through this same issue, we'd love to hear from you as to how you resolved it. Thanks in advance!