Being a JBOSS novice I spent a long time puzzling over this too, to the point where I resorted to IIS and got it to work. However, I then got to page 28 in the Windows installation guide for the package http://support.sas.com/rnd/emi/EbiApm92/sas92.ebiapm.win.pdf which gives an example of using JBOSS as the web browser and gives you the paths.
The physical path you are looking for is buried in the JBOSS directories. On my machine it is:
You should be able to find similar on your machine where JBOSS is installed.
Create a directory in there called ebiapm92 (or whatever you want it to be) and then copy the HTML and JS files into there.
Assuming your JBOSS web server is running on port 8080 then the URL will be http://machinename :8080/ebiapm92/bienv.html
So the settings I needed in the setEnvLogs.cfg.bat were:
:: Define the HTTP/HTML Locations to display the batch created html reports.
:: Physical directory to copy the html report output for viewing via HTTP server.
:: These files are propagated with the runDataArchive script.
set sasHTTPDocsPath=C:\jboss-4.2.0.GA\server\SASServer1\deploy\jboss-web.deployer\ROOT.war\ebiapm92
:: A URL to view the reports such as http://www.domain.com/ebiapm92/bienv.html
:: will be reflected with the following two variables, AND, it should match
:: the setting for sasHTTPDocsPath.
:: HTTP Server Address used to view the HTML files
set sasHTTPServerAddress=http://machinename:8080
:: Directory that is appended to sasHTTPServerPath and matches sasHTTPDocsPath
set sasHTTPServerPath=ebiapm92
Hope this helps.