Hi Could you all please help me in inserting HTML Text with font options in SAS Email. I tried the below code but without proc report in body the output is blank. filename mymail email from="santh@urbanpro.com" to=("santh@urbanpro.com") subject="Territory Sales" content_type="Text/HTML" attach = ("/sasdata/sas_codes/NewSales/SalesValid.xls" Content_type="application/excel"); ods _all_ close; ODS ESCAPECHAR='^'; ods html body=mymail style=minimal; title j=left font = verdana height=10pt color=black title "Good Morning, ^{newline 2} Attached is the Aug 2016 Sales Report. ^{newline 2} Thanks and Regards, ^{newline 2} ^{style [Font_weight=bold FONT=(verdana,8Pt) color=Navy ] Santh S} ^{newline 1} ^{style [Font_weight=bold FONT=(verdana,8Pt) color=Navy ] Business Analyst} ^{newline 1} ^{style [ FONT=(verdana,8Pt) color=black ] GR Team} ^{newline 1} ^{style [Font_weight=bold FONT=(verdana,8Pt) color=Navy ] Client Analytics } ^{newline 1} ^{style [Font_weight=bold FONT=(verdana,8Pt) color=Navy ] UnrbaPro} ^{newline 1} ^{style [ FONT=(verdana,8Pt) color=black ] UBSC, Dekhi 400019, INDIA} ^{newline 2} ^{style [ Font_weight=bold FONT=(verdana,8Pt) color=black ] TEL } ^{style [ FONT=(verdana,8Pt) color=black ] + 91 40 4090 1000} ^{newline 1} ^{style [ Font_weight=bold FONT=(verdana,8Pt) color=black ] INTERNAL } ^{style [ FONT=(verdana,8Pt) color=black ] santh@urbanpro.com} ^{newline 5}" ; proc report data=prod_list; where type='XSell'; column (odr ); quit; ods html close; ods _all_ close; I need the only text part with formating but dont want to include any proc report in the mail body. I appreciate any help on this, Thanks in advance.
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