I need to get one image in each of the top corners of a pdf. I thought I could do this by putting both images in a title with spaces in between but it doesn't work. I can get either of these images to print individually, but when I use both, only the first prints. The second image is ignored but I don't get an error message. This is my code: ods escapechar='^'; ods pdf close; ods pdf file = 'c\sed\NYSAA ELA Grade 3 teacher report 2016.pdf' notoc; proc report data=NYSAA_2016_Grade3_ela_elements style(header)=[background=white] bypageno=1; <more statements> title1 '^S={preimage="c\sed\nysed-logo-text.png"} ^S={preimage="c\sed\dlm_logo_final_registered.jpg"}'; run; Thanks.
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